ADAM Specications
Ordering Information
Advanced Digital Audio Matrix
Catalog Number: ADAM
This specications information is preliminary and is subject to change without notication.
Brand names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.
Contact Information
Telex Communications, Inc.
12000 Portland Avenue South
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Telephone: 877·863·4169
Fax: 800·955·6831
Form Number: LIT000067-000 Rev C
Date July, 2007
Matrix Size: 8 - 272 ports, 4 frames cascadable
Matrix Type: Digital Audio,
TDM Bus Signal Format: 44.1 kHz, 24-bit
Audio Levels: +8 dBu nominal, +20 dBu max (adjustable ± 20 dB by user)
Frequency Response at 20 dBu: Within ±1dB from 15 Hz to 20 kHz
S/N Ratio: >85 dB A-weighted at 22 dBu
THD+N<0.005% at 22 dBu, 1 kHz (unweighted)
Trunking: RTS Intelligent Trunking
Input Impedance: 22KΩ Output
Impedance: 600Ω
Operating Temp Range: 0ºC to +70ºC
Storage Temperature Range: -50ºC to + 125ºC
Redundancy Power / Control Functionality
Matrix Frame: 7 RU (12¼”) high, 19” EIA Rack, 20” deep
Power: 110V or 230V ±10% version available, 50/60 Hz, 1000VA maximum