Display Mode Horizontal
Vertical Fre-
quency (Hz)
Pixel Clock
Sync Polarity
VESA, 1680 X 1050 65.290 59.954 146.250 -/+
VESA, 1920 X 1080 67.500 60.000 148.500 +/+
Horizontal Frequency
The time to scan one line connecting the right edge
to the left edge of the screen horizontally is called the
Horizontal Cycle and the inverse number of the Hor-
izontal Cycle is called the Horizontal Frequency.
Unit: kHz
Vertical Frequency
Like a fluorescent lamp, the screen has to repeat the
same image many times per second to display an
image to the user. The frequency of this repetition is
called the Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit:
Model Name SyncMaster P2370, P2370G
LCD Panel
Size 23 inch (58 cm)
Display area 509.76 mm (H) x 286.74 mm (V)
Pixel Pitch 0.2655 mm (H) x 0.2655 mm (V)
Horizontal 30 ~ 81 kHz
Vertical 56 ~ 60 Hz
Display Color
16.7 M
Optimum resolution 1920x1080@60Hz
Maximum resolution 1920x1080@60Hz
Input Signal, Terminated
DVI(Digital Visual Interface)- I
0.7 Vp-p ±5 %
Separate H/V sync, Composite, SOG
TTL level (V high ≥ 2.0 V, V low ≤ 0.8 V)
Maximum Pixel Clock
164MHz (Analog,Digital)