Tips, FAQ, and Troubleshooting
This chapter provides answers to common questions you may have.
Question: How do I copy files to the Sansa MP3 Player?
Answer: Copy files to the Sansa c100, in MSC mode, is just like copying
files to a Hard Drive.
Question: What file formats does the Sansa c100 support?
Answer: The Sansa MP3 Player will support MP3, WMA, secure WMA.
Any other formats need to be converted to these formats prior to transferring
to your Sansa c100.
Question: What is MTP?
Answer: Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is a new protocol and accompa-
nying set of drivers developed by Microsoft to connect portable devices to
a Windows XP PC and synchronize digital media content between those
devices and the PC.
Question: Some of my music files are on my player, but cannot be played.
When I select them, another song begins to play. What is wrong?
Answer: You may not have purchased the rights to play the song on an
additional device. To test this, try to play a song that you have copied from
an older CD and converted to MP3 format. If you can play that song,
but not the song that will not play, then you need to purchase the rights to
play the song.
Question: Why should I update the firmware?
Answer: You should always update the player to the latest firmware to
ensure that it functions correctly and has all the latest features.
Question: How can I use non-supported file types with my mp3 player?
Answer: First you must convert the songs to a supported format. Then you
can transfer the songs to the player as normal, either by copying and
pasting, or transferring.