Momentus 5400.3 SATA Removable Drive Cartridge Product Manual, Rev. D
3.4 Insertion capability
3.5 Write protect switch
The drive, as shipped from the factory, is configured to allow you to write to and read from the drive. To write
protect the Momentus 5400.3 SATA Removable Drive Cartridge, locate the write protect switch and move the
write protect switch to the position shown in Figure 4 below. Existing data on the drive may still be read, but
writes will be prohibited as long as the switch is in the write protect (locked) position.
The drive is shipped in the unlocked position and this is the default configuration. Verify that the write protect
switch is in the desired position prior to use.
Figure 4. Write protect switch
Insertion cycles (cartridge into properly-designed carrier) 5,000
Unlocked switch position (can read and write) To write protect the drive, move the switch
to the locked position as shown above