Seagate ST34520A Computer Drive User Manual

– You entered a translation characteristic that does not take advantage of
the drive’s full capacity.
– The drive’s physical specifications exceed the translation limits imposed
by the BIOS.
Caution. If you change the drive-type values in the
system setup program, you must partition and
format the drive again.
This erases data on the drive.
If you have partitioned the drive into individual logical drives, you may
need to make the partitions smaller to access the full drive capacity.
If your computer supports LBA mode, you may need to enable LBA
mode in the system setup program to access the full capacity of the drive.
Refer to your computer’s reference guide to find out how to enable LBA.
Your computer may not support drives that have more than 4,096
cylinders. Follow the instructions for
After you install your new drive, your
computer will not boot, and no error message shows on the screen
The DOS messages “Disk Boot Failure,” “Non-System Disk” or
“No ROM Basic – SYSTEM HALTED” appear.
Reinstall the DOS system files using the DOS SYS utility.
Check all cables.
Use FDISK to verify that the primary partition is active.
Check for viruses.
The system error message, “HDD controller failure” appears.
Confirm the jumper settings on the drive.
Verify the drive-type settings in the system setup program.
32-bit Disk Access with Windows 3.1
The 32-bit disk access feature in Windows 3.1 does not work with drives
that have capacities greater than 528 Mbytes. If you want to use 32-bit disk
access under Windows 3.1, install the Seagate replacement 32-bit access
driver, SEG32BIT.386, located on your DiscWizard diskette.
BIOS Upgrades
If you need to upgrade your BIOS, contact the appropriate BIOS
manufacturer listed below.
American Megatrends (AMI):
Award Software International, Inc.:
Microid Research/Mr. BIOS:
(Upgrades from
Unicore Software
) 1-800-800-2167
Phoenix Technologies Ltd.:
(Upgrades from
) 1-800-767-5465
Antistatic bag
Japan 81 3 5462 2979 USA 405 936 1685
Direct-Support Services
Seagate Technical Support
For one-on-one help, you can talk to a technical support specialist during
local business hours. Before calling, note your system configuration and
drive model number (ST
Location Phone number Location Phone number
Australia 61-2-9725-3366 Singapore 65-488-7584
France 33 1-41 86 10 86 Taiwan 886-2-2514-2237
Germany 49-89-140-9332 UK 44-1628-894083
Hong Kong 852-2368 9918 USA 1-800-SEAGATE or
Korea 82-2-531-5800 USA 405-456-4496
Using a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you can send
questions or comments 24 hours daily and exchange messages with a
technical support specialist between 8:00
. to 12:15
. and
. to 6:00
. (central time) Monday through Friday.
Keep your original box and packing materials for storing or shipping your drive. The box has
Seagate Approved Package
label. Shipping a
drive in an unapproved container voids the
warranty. Call your authorized Seagate
distributor for information on packing
materials. The figure to the right shows how a
drive fits in an approved single-pack box,
including the packing materials.
Warranty. See your authorized Seagate
distributor or dealer. Preinstalled or bundled
software is provided “as is.” There are no
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. All such warranties are
expressly and specifically disclaimed.
Maintenance and repair. Seagate drives
do not require maintenance. The head/disc
assembly is sealed; a broken seal voids the
warranty. Seagate customer-service centers
are the only facilities authorized to repair
Seagate drives.
Electromagnetic Compliance for the
European Union. This model complies with the European Union requirements of the
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC of 03 May 1989 as amended by
Directive 92/31/EEC of 28 April 1992 and Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993.
Compliance of this drive, as a system component, was confirmed with a test system. We
cannot guarantee that your system will comply. The drive is not meant for external use
(without properly designed enclosure, shielded I/O cable, etc.).
Sicherheitsanleitung 1. Das Gerrät ist ein Einbaugerät, das für eine maximale
Umgebungstemperatur von 55°C vorgesehen ist. 2. Zur Befestigung des Laufwerks
werden 4 Schrauben 6-32 UNC-2A benötigt. Bei seitlicher Befestigung darf die maximale
Länge der Schrauben im Chassis nicht mehr als 3,3 mm und bei Befestigung an der
Unterseite nicht mehr als 5,08 mm betragen. 3. Als Versorgungsspannugen werden
benötigt: +5V ± 5% 0,6A; +12V ±% 0,8A (1,9A fur ca. 30 Sek. fur ± 10%) 4. Die
Versorgungsspannung muss SELV entsprechen. 5. Alle Arbeiten auf dem Festplatte
dürfen nur von Ausgebildetem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden. Bitte entfernen Sie
nicht die Aufschriftenschilder des Laufwerkes. 6. Der Einbau des Laufwerkes muss den
Anforderungen gemäss DIN IEC 950 VDE 0805/05.90 entsprechen.
Seagate, Seagate Technology, and the Seagate logo are registered trademarks of Seagate
Technology, Inc. SeaFAX, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, SeaNET, SeaTDD, Medalist, the Medalist
logo and DiscWizard are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate
Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.
Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or
specifications. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from Seagate Technology, Inc.
© 1998 Seagate Technology, Inc.
920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, USA
Publication Number: 32660-001, Rev. A, January 1998, Printed in USA
2/9/98, 9:31 AM