Seagate ST400FM0023 Computer Drive User Manual

Seagate 1200 SSD Product Manual, Rev. C 14
In SCSI devices, umapped LBAs are defined as part of the Thin Provisioning model. Support of the Thin Provisioning model
is indicated by the LBPME bit having a value of '1' in the READ CAPACITY (16) parameter data.
When a region of LBA's are erased via cryptographic erase, as part of the erase, the drive shall unmap those LBAs.
If the host attempts to access an unmapped or trimmed LBA, the drive shall return scrambled data. For a given LBA, the data
shall be identical from access to access, until that LBA is either updated with actual data from the host or that LBA is
cryptographically erased. The drive shall report a value of '0' in the LBPRZ field returned in the READ CAPACITY (16)
parameter data.
If the host attempts to access an unmapped LBA on a drive that has been formatted with Protection Information (PI), the
drive shall return scrambled PI data for that LBA. Depending on the value of the RDPROTECT field in the data-access
command CDB, this may result in the drive returning a standard PI error to the host.
If the host reduces the addressable capacity of the drive via a MODE SELECT command, the drive shall unmap or trim any
LBA within the inaccessible region of the device.
Additionally, an UNMAP command is not permitted on a locked band.
Drive Configuration
Standard SED
PI Setting Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled
PROT_EN bit 0 1 0 1
LBPME bit 1 1 1 1
LBPRZ bit 1 1 0 0
PI Check Requested N/A Yes No N/A Yes No
DATA Returned for
Thin Provisioned LBA
0x00 0x00 0x00 Random None Random
PI Returned for
Thin Provisioned LBA
None 0xFF 0xFF None None
PI data
PI Check Performed N/A No No N/A Yes No
Error reported to Host No No No No Yes No