Seagate ST9100823AB Computer Drive User Manual

Momentus 5400.2 Blade Server Product Manual, Rev. B
interleave 6
internal data-transfer rate OD 6
ISO document 7779 12
jumper settings 17
Korean RRL 14
LBA mode 5
length 6
Load/Unload 13
logical geometry 5
master/slave 1
Master/slave configuration 17
maximum temperature 10
Mean time between failures 13
modes 19
monitoring 1
mounting the drive 17, 18
noise 9
nominal power 3
nonoperating shock 11
nonoperating vibration 11
nonrecoverable read errors 13
operating shock 11
operating vibration 11
physical characteristics 6
physical organization 5
pins 19
PIO 19
power consumption 8
power dissipation 8
power frequency h-field immunity 12
power on/off cycles 13
power specifications 8
power-management commands 21
Power-on to Ready 7
precautions 18
radiated RF immunity 12
radio and television interference 14
radio frequency (RF) 12
random track location 8
Read Buffer 20
Read DMA 20
Read DMA Extended 20
read errors 13
Read Multiple 1, 20
Read Multiple Extended 20
Read Native Max Address 20
Read Native Max Address Extended 20
Read Sectors 20
Read Sectors Extended 20
Read Verify Sectors 20
Read Verify Sectors Extended 20
read/write heads 5
read/write power and current 8
recording and interface technology 6
recording density 6
recording heads 1
recording method 6
register 26
relative humidity 10
reliability 13
resistance 9
RF 12
RoHS 15
S.M.A.R.T. 21
S.M.A.R.T. drive monitoring 1
safety certification 13
screws 18
SeaTools 1
sectors 5
security commands 21
Security Disable Password 22
Security Erase Prepare 21
Security Erase Unit 21
Security Freeze Lock 22
Security Set Password 21
Security Unlock 21
Seek 21
seek mode 8
seek time 7
Seeking 8
Service Life 13
servo electronics 8
Set Features 21
Set Features command 26
Set Max 21
Set Multiple Mode 21