Momentus 5400.1 Product Manual, Rev. F
5.0 Compatibility summary
5.1 Installation considerations
Many of today’s mobile computers have been designed to make it possible for the end user to replace the hard
drive. Refer to your system’s user manual for the location of the hard drive compartment and the specific
instructions regarding replacement. Refer to your system manufacturer’s support website for the most up-to-
date information. Read and follow all instructions regarding the proper steps to be taken when replacing the
system hard drive. Some mobile systems are sealed and require specialized tools to gain access to the hard
drive. Special training or tools may be needed to service some mobile computers. In some cases, opening the
case may void your warranty. Consult your system documentation. Seagate recommends taking your system
to an authorized service technician to replace your hard drive.
System Compatibility
Seagate Product Assurance has tested Momentus drives in the systems listed below. Testing included multiple
BIOS versions and operating systems. This testing was done to demonstrate compatibility with various hard-
ware and software configurations. Hardware and software combinations, other than those tested, may also be
compatible with this drive.
Table 10: Tested systems
Acer Aspire 1400 Dell Inspiron 8100 Gateway 600Y62 Micron Transport T1000
Acer Travelmate 220 Dell Inspiron 8200 Gateway 600YR Micron Transport V1000
Acer Travelmate 270 Dell Inspiron 8500 Gateway Solo 14550 NEC Japan Versapro VA18S
Acer Travelmate 290 Dell Latitude C400 HP Pavilion ZE5200 NEC Japan Versapro VA20S
Acer Travelmate 420 Dell Latitude C510 HP Pavilion ZE5300 Samsung SENS T10
Acer Travelmate 630 Dell Latitude C510/C610 HP/Compaq EVO N620 Sony VAIO PCG-V505/B
Acer Travelmate 650 Dell Latitude C610 HP/BPC EVO N620 DE266A Sony VAIO PCG-ZIR/P
Acer Travelmate 660 Dell Latitude C640 HP/BPC EVO N800W Taiwan Whitebox ASUSTEK D1
Acer Travelmate 800 Dell Latitude C840 HPD Pavilion ZE1250 Taiwan Whitebox ASUSTEK L3000TP
Acer Travelmate Convertible Dell Latitude D400 IBM Thinkpad T30 Taiwan Whitebox ASUSTEK L4000H
Acer Travelmate Convertible
102T and 104T
Dell Latitude D600 IBM Thinkpad T40 Taiwan Whitebox ASUSTEK M2000E
Acer Veriton 7200D Dell Latitude X200 Legend L510 and L800 Taiwan Whitebox ECS A907
Apple I BOOK Dell Latitude C844 Legend XPEN T100 Taiwan Whitebox ECS A1080
Apple I BOOK G3 Dell Precision M50 Legend ZHAO YANG A820 Taiwan Whitebox LEO AX4R Plus
Compaq EVO 410C Founder A750D Legend ZHAO YANG K71 Taiwan Whitebox LEO M285G
Compaq EVO 610C Founder T5800C Legend ZY SOLEIL D50 Taiwan Whitebox Twinhead 2671
Compaq EVO N620C Fujitsu Seimens Amilio Legend ZHAO YANG V22 Taiwan Whitebox Twinhead EFIO N1400
Compaq EVO N800C Fujitsu FMV 6120MG3 Legend ZHAO YANG V80 Toshiba Dynabook G7/U24PDDW
Compaq Presario 2135US Fujitsu FMV 7000NA3 LG IBM Thinkpad Toshiba Dynabook G7/X19PDEW
Dell Inspiron 2600 Fujitsu FMVNB18C LG IBM XNOTE Toshiba Portese 3501 Series
Dell Inspiron 2650 Gateway 400SD4 Medion FID Toshiba Techra
Dell Inspiron 4100 Gateway 450R06 Medion FID 2040 Trigem S7 7570
Dell Inspiron 4150 Gateway 450SX4 Micron Transport GX3 Trigem V7 7600