EK 3241
EK 3241
RF Wireless Systems | 3000 Series Miniature Receivers
General Description
The new EK 3241 has a switching bandwidth of 36 MHz and frequen-
cies that can be tuned in steps of 5 kHz, making the true-diversity re-
ceiver the perfect partner for Sennheiser’s current transmitter models
SKM 5200 and SK 5212. Frequency-agile products are in greater de-
mand than ever as frequency resources become increa-singly scarce.
We have therefore developed a new tuner module for this true-diver-
sity camera receiver and given the lightweight EK 3241 (200 g/7.05
oz) the capacity for reliable, flexible RF wireless transmission: 32 cus-
tom frequencies have already been programmed within the switching
bandwidth of 36 MHz; in addition the user is free to program and store
another 20 frequencies in steps of 5 kHz into the user bank. The receiv-
er can be easily and intuitively operated with a completely new user
interface, which is similar to that of the SK 5212 bodypack transmit-
ter. For a high operational reliability the EK 3241 displays the battery
status of the transmitter in detail. The receiver is extremely reliable; its
full-metal case is weatherproof and robust.
Technical Data
Number of channels ...........tuneable in steps of 5 kHz
Frequency ................................................ 450 – 960 MHz
Switching bandwidth .......................................... 36 MHz
Modulation ................................................. wideband-FM
Nominal deviation ........................ ± 40 kHz / ± 56 kHz
Squelch .....................................0 bis 100 μV, adjustable
................................................................... in steps of 5 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio ...................................≥ 100 dB(A)
THD, total harmonic distortion ............................ ≤ 1 %,
....................................................... typ. 0,8 % per System
Sensitivity as per 121 TR 9-5 ....................... typ. 10 μV
...............................................................for 90 dBAeff S/N
Intermodulation attenuation ............................ ≥ 70 dB
Impedance ...............................................2 sockets/50 Ω
Compander .................................... Sennheiser HiDyn plus™
True-diversity receiver in a very compact all-
metal housing
36 MHz switching bandwidth
Frequencies tunable in steps of 5 kHz
New menu for user-friendly operation
Special protection against the ingress of mois-
Power supply via camcorder or GA 3041-B bat-
tery adapter
High operational reliability due to true diversity
Detailed indication of the transmitter’s battery
Command function can be activated in service
Operating time of 9 to 18 hrs (BA 50 / B 250)
Delivery Includes: EK 3241
2 antennas
User manual
Recommended Accessories
GA 3041-B Battery adapter Cat. No. 004643
GA 3041-C Slot-in housing Cat. No. 004642
GA 3041-15 Mounting kit for Sony (15-pin) Cat. No. 004639
GA 3041-25 Mounting kit for
Ikegami and Panasonic (25-pin) Cat. No. 004640
GA 3041-44 Mounting kit for Thomson (44-pin) Cat. No. 004641
GA 3041-QP Quadpack Cat. No. 005105
B 50 Battery box (2 cells) Cat. No. 500820
B 250 Battery box (3 cells) Cat. No. 500822
BA 50 Accupack (NiMH, 2 cells) Cat. No. 500821
BA 250 Accupack (NiMH, 3 cells) Cat. No. 500823
DC-Speisekabel DC supply cable
(20 cm/7.87“) with Hirose connectors Cat. No. 075584
Product Variants
EK 3241 A: 450 – 626 MHz Cat. No. 500971
EK 3241 B: 590 – 834 MHz Cat. No. 500972
EK 3241 C: 798 – 960 MHz Cat. No. 500973