Chapter 1: Extending the USB of
SMARTBoard 800 series
interactive whiteboards
Extending the USB with a bus-powered (active) extension cable 2
Using a single USB-XT extension cable 2
Using multiple USB-XT extension cables 2
Extending the USB with a CAT5-XT-1100 (active) extender 3
Using a SMARTCAT5-XT-1100 extender 3
Using a CAT5-XT-1100 extender and a self-powered USB hub 3
Using a USB-XT extension cable or a SMARTGoWire™ auto-launch cable with a CAT5-XT-
1100 extender and a self-powered USB hub
Extending the USB with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 5
Using an SBX800CAT5-XT extender 5
Using a SMARTGoWire cable with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 5
This section illustrates how you can extend the USB connection between your computer and your
SMARTBoard® 800 series interactive whiteboard.
If you’re extending the USB connection to a SMARTBoard 800i series interactive whiteboard
system, see Extending the USB of SMARTBoard 800i series interactive whiteboard systems on
page 7.
Chapter 1