Sony PRS300SCEPL eBook Reader User Manual

Getting Started
Installing eBook Library
eBook Library is the content management software you use
with the Reader.
• The Internet connection is required to install eBook Library.
• Your computer needs to meet the minimum system requirements
for eBook Library. For details, see “System Requirements.”
page 90
Make sure the Reader and your computer are turned
on, then connect them via USB. (
page 11
The “Installer for Reader” window appears.
• If you have disabled the AutoPlay feature of Windows, start the
install launcher that is stored on the Reader manually. From the
Start menu, click “My Computer” (“Computer” in the case of Vista)
- “Installer for Reader” - “Windows” - “Setup eBook Library.”
Click “Installing eBook Library” in the “Installer for
Reader” window, then follow the on-screen
To install eBook Library in Macintosh
When the Reader is connected to your computer,
“LAUNCHER” appears on the desktop. Click it - “Mac” -
“Setup eBook Library,” and then follow the on-screen