Before Use
My Club VAIO
In My Club VAIO you can find:
❑ Accessories
Want to expand the capabilities of your computer? Click this icon and have a look at your compatible accessories.
❑ Software
Feeling creative? Click this icon for an overview of your software and check out our upgrade options.
❑ Wallpapers
Click this icon and check out our most popular Sony and Club VAIO wallpapers.
❑ Links
Click this icon and check out our most popular Sony and Club VAIO Web sites.
Windows Help and Support
Windows Help and Support is a comprehensive resource for practical advice, tutorials, and demonstrations to help you
learn to use your computer.
Use the Search feature, Index, or table of contents to view all Windows Help resources, including those that are on the
To access Windows Help and Support, click Start and Help and Support. Or go to Windows Help and Support by
pressing and holding the Microsoft Windows key and pressing the F1 key.
Further Sources
❑ Consult the help files on the software you are using for detailed information on features and troubleshooting.
❑ Go to http://www.club-vaio.com
to find online tutorials about your favorite VAIO software.