Sony VPCZ135GK/BI Personal Computer User Manual

VPCZ1 Series (9-890-814-XX)
Sony Confidential
4-2. Note for WAN Board Replacement
4-2. WANၮ᧼੤឵ᤨ䈱ᵈᗧ
When replacing the WAN Board (Ref. 504 1-458-165-23, 1-458-205-23), change the barcode label on the bottom.
㪮㪘㪥㩷ၮ᧼㩷㩿Ref. 504 1-458-165-23, 1-458-205-23㪀㩷䉕੤឵䈚䈢㓙䈮䈲䇮䊗䊃䊛䈱䊋䊷䉮䊷䊄䊤䊔䊦䈱⾍䉍ᦧ䈋૞ᬺ䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯
ԘPeel off the barcode label which is attached to the bottom. (Refer to the figure below.)
ԙAttach the barcode label which is included with the WAN Board to the position where you peeled off the label in the step Ԙ.
Ref. 504
1-458-165-23, 1-458-205-23 FOX MINI CARD