Sony VPL-CX76 Projector User Manual

<Table 1> <Table 2>
Item Number Data Remarks
Item Upper byte Lower byte Data Upper byte Lower byte
Status Error 01h 01h No Error 00h 00h Get only
Lamp Error 00h 01h
Fan Error 00h 02h
Cover Error 00h 04h
Temp Error 00h 08h
D5V Error 00h 10h
Power Error 00h 20h
Warning Error 00h 40h
Status Power 01h 02h Stanby 00h 00h
Start Up 00h 01h
Start Up Lamp 00h 02h
Power On 00h 03h
Cooling1 00h 04h
Cooling2 00h 05h
Saving Cooling1 00h 06h
Saving Cooling2 00h 07h
Saving Staby 00h 08h
Control Mode Select 01h 05h User Mode 00h 00h
Service Mode 00h 01h
Lamp Timer 01h 13h Lamp Use Time 0000h-FFFFh
ROM Version 01h 1Dh MAIN ROM Version
SC ROM Version 01h 1Eh SC ROM Version
Status Security
01h 1Fh Disable 00h 00h
Enable 00h 01h
Channel Memory Reset 03h 01h _ 00h 00h Set only
Status Memory Reset 02h
Set Memory Reset 03h
W/B All Save 04h
W/B High Save 05h
W/B Low Save 06h
Sircs (15 bit category) 17h Refer to table 6 _ 00h 00h Set only
Sircs (20 bit category) 19h Refer to table 7 _ 00h 00h
<Table 3>
Item Number Data
Item Data Upper byte Lower byte
ACK _ 00h 00h
NAK Undefined Command 01h 01h
Size Error 04h
Select Error 05h
Range Over 06h
Not Applicable 0Ah
Check Sum Error F0h 10h
Framing Error 20h
Parity Error 30h
Over Rub Error 40h
Other Comm Error 50h
Approximate Return Waiting Times
The await-return time is approx. 50 msec.
This is the case, unless the communications are
interfered anyway.
*1 Example) In case the lamp timer indicates
1000H, return values are [03h] upper byte and
[E8h] lower byte.
*2 Example) In case the software version is 1.03,
return values are [01h] upper byte and [03h]
lower byte.
*3 While the set is security locked, after power
switch is turned on, you can check that pass
sword input screen is indicated or not.
During pass word input screen indicating, return
values are [00h] upper byte and [01h] lower
*4 It is corresponded to single command only.