BIOS Setup 25
SDRAM Cycle Length 2 (default). This function is shown only
when uses SDRAM.
Read Pipeline Use the default setting.
Write Pipeline Use the default setting.
Video BIOS Cacheable Disabled Ð The ROM area F0000H-
FFFFFH is not cached.
Enabled Ð The ROM area F0000H-
FFFFFH is cacheable if cache
controller is enabled.
System BIOS Cacheable Disabled Ð The video BIOS C0000H-
C7FFFH is not cached.
Enabled Ð The video BIOS C0000H-
C7FFFH is cacheable if cache
controller is enabled.
Memory Hole At 15Mb
Choose Enabled or Disabled (default).
Some interface cards will map their ROM
address to this area. If this occurs, you
should select Enabled, otherwise use
OnChip USB Default is Disabled. Enable this function
when you use the USB device.
USB Keyboard Support Enable this function when you use the
USB keyboard, but notice that you need to
use the regular keyboard first before
getting in the BIOS setup.
3. After you have finished with the Chipset Features Setup, press the
<ESC> key and follow the screen instructions to save or disregard
your settings.