Star Micronics ND-10/15 Printer User Manual

You may wonder why l/72 of an inch was chosen as the
increment for the line spacing command. There’s a good reason:
the dots that the printer makes are l/72 inch apart. So this
means that you can vary the line spacing in increments as fine
as one dot - unless you want finer spacing, in which case you
may use one third dot spacing.
The < ESC > “3” CHR$(
n command sets the line spacing
in increments of l/216 inch. Change line 40 in your program
to this:
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);“3”;CHR$(I);
and run the program again. Now the results will look like
[... 1 b.1 t’:: Fi F’ IQ 1:: 1 tq G
1 !Z
g, lj;: “j- “I’ Cl
:j_ ;’ &
c, p.4 f:::! ::: r” :A [.., ) I(
The program works just the same as before, but the line
spacings are just one-third what they were. This is because
< ESC > “3” CHR$(n) sets the line spacing to n/216 inch.
If you run the program with DIP switch 2-4 set off under
the Standard.mode, you’ll get a different result, as shown below.
When DIP switch 2-4 is off, < ESC > “3” CHR$(n) sets the
line spacing to n/144 inch, instead of n/2 16 inch.