If starting a database with HADB nodes on several hosts, start the management agent
on each host.
▼ To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System
Installation on Solaris or Linux
1. Change to the /etc/init.d directory:
cd /etc/init.d
2. Run the command to start the agent:
./ma-initd start
▼ To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System
Installation on Windows
HADB is started by default when Sun Java System is configured and running.
However, if you need to start it manually, follow these steps:
1. Go to Start⇒Settings⇒Control Panel, and double click Administrative Tools.
2. Double click Services shortcut.
3. Select HADBMgmtAgent Service from the Services list.
4. From the Action menu, select Start.
▼ To Start HADB in a Stand-Alone Installation on
Solaris or Linux
1. Change to the HADB bin directory in the Application Serverinstallation:
2. Run the command to start the agent:
./ma-initd start
Chapter 2 • Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover 29