This function initializes the 5800 system API and must be called before calling any of the other
functions in this API. It downloads a copy of the schema for a particular host or port. The
schema is used to validate the name-value-type tuples that are added to metadata records.
Both the synchronous and the nonsynchronous C APIs are fully thread-safe and can be used
simultaneously in multiple threads from the same process. Each thread must call
“hc_session_create_ez” on page 53 to create its own session. Sessions must not be shared
between threads.
Note – hc_init should be called once per process before any thread calls
hc_session_create_ez.Ifhc_session_create_ez is called before hc_init, an implicit call is
made to hc_init from that thread. But that call to hc_init is not interlocked with other
threads, and it uses the C API shared library’s version of malloc and free, which might be
dierent than the application’s version of malloc and free. It is strongly recommended that all
applications call hc_init once per process with their own allocator and deallocator.
For more information on hc_init, see
“Initializing a Global Session” on page 41
IN: The name or IP address of a 5800 system server.
IN: The port number of the 5800 system server (normally 8080).
OUT: Updated to point to a session object.
Return Codes
SynchronousCAPI Functions
SunStorageTek 5800SystemClientAPIReferenceManual • June 200854