1 Overview
The TAS5611/13PHD2EVM PurePath™ Premier Pro customer evaluation module demonstrates the
integrated circuit TAS5611 or TAS5613PHD from Texas Instruments (TI).
The TAS5611 and TAS5613PHD is high-performance, integrated Stereo Feedback Analog-Input Digital
Amplifier Power Stages designed to drive 4Ω speakers at up to 150W per channel for TAS5613PHD and
125W per channel for TAS5611PHD. This amplifier requires only a simple passive demodulation filter to
deliver high-quality, high-efficiency audio amplification.
This EVM is configured with 2 BTL channels and the possibility to apply either a single ended or a
differential analog input signal. It is also possible to configure the two BTL channels into one parallel BTL
(PBTL) channel.
The OPA1632 is a High Performance Fully Differential Audio Op Amp designed to allow operation with
single ended or differential input signals to the EVM.
This EVM stuffed with either TAS5611PHD or TAS5613PHD is a complete stereo analog input power
amplifier ready for evaluation and great music.
Table 1. TAS5611/13PHD2EVM Specification
Key Parameters
TAS5613 Output stage supply voltage 18 V – 36V
TAS5611 Output stage supply voltage 16V - 32.5V
Number of channels 2 × BTL or 1 x PBTL
Load impedance BTL 4–8 Ω
Load impedance PBTL 2–3 Ω
TAS5613 Output power BTL 150 W / 4 Ω 10% THD
TAS5613 Output power PBTL 300 W / 2Ω 10% THD
TAS5611 Output power BTL 125 W / 4Ω / 10% THD
TAS5611 Output power PBTL 250 W / 2Ω / 10% THD
DNR >100 dB(A)
Frontend OPA1632
Output stage TAS5611PHD, TAS5613PHD
Other features +15 V on-board switcher from PVDD supply
TAS5611/13PHD2EVM SLOU286–December 2009
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