Vicks EDG-4508+ Network Router User Manual

EDG-4508+/4516+ User Manual 68
Example (EDG-4508+U):
SOCKET Dst4508USock;
char RxData[10];
memset(&Dst4508UAddr, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
Dst4508UAddr..sin_family = AF_INET;
Dst4508UAddr..sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
//Indicate the IP Address of EDG-4508+U that you want to connect.//
Dst4508UAddr..sin_port = htons(5201);
// Indicate which port of EDG-4508+U you want to access//
// TCP port no. of Port1 = TCP port +1//
// TCP port no. of Port2 = TCP port +2//
Dst4508USock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
// EDG-4508+U creates the TCP socket//
connect(Dst4508USock, (sockaddr *)&Dst4508UAddr,
//Connect to the EDG-4508+U//
send(Dst4508USock, "0123456789", 10, 0);
//Send data "0123456789" to the port of EDG-4508+U//
recv(Dst4508USock, RxData, 10, 0);
//Receive the data from the port of EDG-4508+U//
//Disconnect from the EDG-4508+U//