e) Connect the 9 pin RS-232 cable or Modem cable from GSM Modems “Modem” side and
PC and click on “Disconnect” tool bar and Type any alphabet. Eg. 'A' through Keyboard,
the same should Apper on screen of Hyper Terminal.
f) Through Hyper Terminal dial to a GSM/PSTN modem or another GSM Modem connected
to another PC (Insert a SIM card which has a Data number).
Eg.: Data Number : ATD9849289751
g) “Connect 9600” is displayed on Hyper Terminal screen after connection is established
h) Transfer any data by typing through keyboard. It should appear on the other PC to which
we are dialing.
i) To disconnect the modem, click on “Disconnect” icon on toolbar and then type ATH. If
'OK' response is seen, then modem is Disconnected.
j) Instead of typing data through keyboard, any test file can also be transferred by
selecting “Send file” icon on toolbar and file can be selected by “Browsing”, protocol
should be Selected as 'Z modem' or 'IKX modem'.