Waves IR-360 Network Card User Manual

The RT60 display is active only when RT60 may be computed on the IR. There is a
minimum IR length (about 100 ms) for computing RT60 as well as for activating the
reverb time ratio.
Reverb Control Parameters
SIZE: Range: .25 to 4.00; Default: 1.00
The Size is a ratio of the original IR, and controls the dimensions and volume of the
actual room. This defines the traveling time of sound between reflections. The Size
value will be indicated in the IR Properties display.
EVERB DENSITY: Range: 0.25 to 4.00; Default: 1.00
The Density control is a ratio of the density in the original IR. Reducing density will
usually result in a more grainy sound; increasing density will usually create a thicker
and smoother sound. The outcome will vary according to the nature of the reflections
in the original reverb.
EVERB RESONANCE: Range: .25 to 4.00; Default: 1.00
Resonance extends or reduces any existing resonances in the original IR.
ECORRELATION CONTROL: Range: 0 to 100%. Default = 0%
The Decorr control increases spaciousness by increasing the Decorrelation between
You can use this control to make a stereo output out of a mono-recorded IR. To
achieve this, load a single-channel IR into a stereo or mono Æ stereo plug-in
component. Then, cancel the "import” dialog when the plug-in asks for the second
Waves IR-1 software guide page 22 of 40