About This Guide
iv 973-0031-01-01 Rev A
Conventions Used
The following conventions are used in this guide.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Related Information
You can find more information about Xantrex Technology Inc. as well as its
products and services at www.xantrex.com.
Warnings identify conditions that could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Cautions identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the unit or other
These notes describe things which are important for you to know, but not as
serious as a caution or warning.
AC Alternating Current
ACCB-L AC Conduit Box Long (with ground bar only)
ACCB-L-L1 AC Conduit Box Long (adds internal components for wiring)
ACCB-L-L2 AC Conduit Box Long (built on ACCB-L-L1 for dual configuration)
ACCB-L2-PCK AC Bypass Switch Assembly only (includes wiring)
ALM Auxiliary Load Module
AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction
ASC Authorized Service Center
AWG American Wire Gauge
CEC Canadian Electrical Code
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DC Direct Current
EPO Emergency Power Off
GSM Generator Start Module
ICA Inverter Communications Adapter
ICM Inverter Control Module
ISC-S Inverter Stacking Control – Series
NEC National Electrical Code
RMA Return Material Authorization
UL Underwriters Laboratory