Xantrex Technology XDC 300-40 Power Supply User Manual

Remote Operation
4–56 TM-XDOP-01XN
Error/Event Queue (ERR)
This bit it TRUE if any errors are present in the Error/Event Queue.
Questionable Status Register Summary (QSR)
This bit is TRUE when a bit in the Questionable Event Status Register is set and
its corresponding bit in the Questionable Status Enable Register is TRUE.
Message Available (MAV)
This bit is TRUE whenever the power supply is ready to accept a request by the
Digital Programming Interface to output data bytes. This message is FALSE when
the output queue is empty.
Standard Event Status Summary (ESB)
This bit is TRUE when a bit is set in the Standard Event Status Register.
Master Summary Status (MSS)
This is caused by one of the following:
Status Byte bit 0 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 0
Status Byte bit 1 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 1
Status Byte bit 2 AND Service Request Enable Register bit 2
Table 4-21
Status Byte Summary Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
01 Reserved
12 Reserved
2 4 Error/Event Queue (ERR) Set if any errors are present in the Error/Event queue.
3 8 Questionable Status
Register (QSR)
Set if any bits are set in the Questionable Status Event
4 16 Message Available (MAV) Indicates whether the output queue is empty. MAV is
TRUE if the device is ready to accept a request from the
5 32 Standard Event Status Bit
Summary (ESB)
A summary of the Standard Event Status Register.
6 64 Request Service (RQS)
Master Status Summary
MSS indicates that the device has at least one reason for
requesting service.
7 128 Operation Status Register
Present if a bit is set in the Operation status register.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 56 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM