Xantrex Technology XPD 33-16 Power Supply User Manual

Section 1. Features and Specifications
Rear Panel Connectors
16 Operating Manual for XPD Series Power Supply
Table 1.2 Rear Panel J210 Connector Pins and Functions
Pin Reference Name Function
J210-1 TTL S/D
Shutdown Signal Return
Return for shutdown signal
J210-2 TTL S/D Shutdown Input (+) Input for shutdown signal.
J210-3 N/C No connection None.
J210-4 N/C No connection None.
J210-5 IPGM Output Current Limit
Programming Input
Input for current limit programming
signals from an analog device.
J210-6 VRMT
Remote Output Voltage
Programming Select
Selects remote output voltage
programming when to jumpered to
pin 8.
J210-7 IRMT
Remote Output Current
Limit Programming
Selects remote output current limit
programming when jumpered to
pin 8.
J210-8 AGND Auxiliary Ground Auxiliary ground.
J210-9 N/C No connection None.
J210-10 N/C No connection None.
J210-11 N/C No connection None.
J210-12 IMON Output current monitor Output for output current monitor
J210-13 PGM/MON
Program/Monitor Return Return for voltage and current
program and monitor signals.
J210-14 VPGM Output Voltage
Programming Input
Input for voltage programming
signals from an analog device.
J210-15 VMON Output Voltage Monitor Output for output voltage monitor
1. The TTL shutdown circuit is isolated to 500 V from the power supply output and chassis.
2. Jumpering pins J210-6, J210-7, and J210-8 will select both remote output voltage
programming and remote output current limit programming.