
WC5632/38/45/55: Logon
Network Accounting:
To access machine features:
1. Enter your User ID to access copy features, then
select [Enter]
(User ID = Blue Valley ID minus the leading zeros)
2. The Account ID = default Clicks Quick Key based on
the copier’s location.
You will only need to enter your Account ID when
using a machine in another
NOTE: You can use the touchscreen and/or keypad
o enter your information
3. Complete your job.
4. To Log Off:
Press [Access ] on the control panel.
Select [Logout] on the Touch Screen.
Network Authentication (required for scanning services):
To access scanning features:
1. Enter network user ID and select [Enter]
2. Enter password and select [Enter]
3. To Log Off:
Press [Access ] on the control panel.
Select [Logout] on the Touch Screen.