ZyXEL Communications NWD-170N Network Router User Manual

ZyXEL NWD-170N User’s Guide
Index 87
Radio specifications 57
RADIUS 33, 34
RADIUS server 74
Real-time data traffic statistics 37
Receive rate 36
product 8
Related Documentation 17
safety warnings 7
Save power 51
Scan 37
Scan Info 47
Search 37
Security 32, 36, 58
data encryption 32
parameters 76
Sensitivity 58
Service Set Identity (SSID) 25, 31
Signal strength 37, 38
Site information 38
Site survey 37
scan 38
security settings 39
Sleep mode 51
SSID 25, 31, 36, 38, 56
Statistics 36
Support CD 17
Syntax conventions 17
System tray 22
Temperature 57
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) 34, 73
Total receive 36
Total transmit 36
trademarks 3
Transmission rate 36, 46
Transmit key 39
Transmit rate 36
Trend chart 37
Troubleshooting 55
link quality 55
network communication 56
starting the ZyXEL Utility 55
Uninstalling the ZyXEL Utility 53
Upgrading the ZyXEL Utility
important step 54
Upgrading ZyXEL Utility 54
User authentication 32, 74
Utility installation 22
Utility version 53
Voltage 57
warranty 8
note 8
Weight 57
WEP 32, 39
automatic setup 32
manual setup 32, 40
passphrase 32, 39
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 32
WEP Encryption 39
WEP key generation 32
Wi-Fi Protected Access 33, 73
Windows XP 22
Wireless client 31
Wireless LAN
introduction 31
security 32
Wireless LAN (WLAN) 31
Wireless network 31
Wireless security 71
Wireless standard 36, 57
Wireless station mode
adapter 50
security settings 39
site survey 37
trend chart 37
Security parameters 76
WPA 33, 41, 73