how do i scan multiple pages in one PDF file?

Asked by on 10/24/2013 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 2 months ago

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5 Hi there SOLUTION I. 1. Open the printer's program. 2. Click on Settings, then go to scan settings. 3. Click on Scan preferences. 4. Make sure that the "Prompt for additional scans from glass/TMA has a checkmark. then click OKAY. SOLUTION II. 1. Printer's program is open, click on Scan documents. 2. Scan document settings is open, choose SCAN TO: .pdf and file type is .pdf 3. Click on SCAN below. It will start scanning, and just click on ACCEPT everytime it gives preview on each document.
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0 "Prompt for additional scans from glass/TMA" - Where is this option available?
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