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Receive Kind of text Timing/condition
Real-time Sx
This text can be received after end of Rx-transfer within
the designated time.
RE (request This text is transferred when shifting to the modes below.
end) 1) measure mode to standby mode
2) measure mode to stop mode
This text is transmitted when the communication is
canceled by the online alarm.
Batch RB (request This text is transmitted when receiving T.R.I. is sent in the test
start) requisition.
R_ * (request
Normal) (Note 3)
Request of This text is transmitted at the designated time intervals.
sample no. The texts are the samples that are selected in the test
requisition menu.
RH (request rerun) (Note 3)
Request of This text is transmitted at the designated time intervals.
sample no. The texts are the samples that are selected in the test
requisition menu.
Sx This text can be received after end of Rx-transfer within
the designated time.
RE (request end) This text is transmitted when it was receiving the last sample No.
in test requisition menu and SE text isn't received.
This text is transmitted when the communication is
canceled in the test requisition menu.
This text is transmitted when the communication is
canceled by the online alarm.
remarks * _ is space.
Note 3) R_-text and RH-text is transferred in separate sessions.