If you do not plan to be connected to the Internet, you can assign network
addresses on your own. However, if you plan on accessing the Internet in the
future, you may want to apply for an Internet network address so you will not
have to change network addresses when you make the connection.
After obtaining your Internet address, see “Assigning Internet Addresses to a
Bridge” on page 37 or to “Assigning Internet Addresses to a Router” on page 38.
For additional information on Internet addresses and subnets, see Using
Enterprise OS Software.
Setting Up the Simple
Management Protocol
The bridge/router participates in different types of network management activities.
Most management activities require configuration because they are disabled by
default. The bridge/router manages networks in the following ways:
■ Configuring and monitoring from a UNIX or Windows network management
station using Transcend Enterprise Manager.
■ Remote upgrade management using the Enterprise OS Remote Upgrade
Management Utilities supplied on CD-ROM with every Enterprise OS release.
■ Building network maps (netmaps).
This guide does not describe in detail how to set up the SNMP Service. See Using
Enterprise OS Software and Reference for Enterprise OS Software for more
SNMP allows you to modify and display some Enterprise OS parameters from a
network management station. You do not need to attach a terminal to the
bridge/router console port to change its configuration. To implement SNMP, follow
specifications in RFC 1155, RFC 1157, and RFC 1213. System parameters
described in RFC 1213 and 3Com extended parameters can be accessed from the
Modifying SNMP
To enable SNMP read/write access, you need to modify two parameters in the
SNMP Service: COMmunity and MANager.
The COMmunity parameter is an SNMP Service parameter that modifies the list of
communities. For information on how to use the COMmunity parameter, see
Using Enterprise OS Software and to Reference for Enterprise OS Software.
By default, the community name “ANYCOM” exists with read access to the
management information base (MIB) variables and allows unrestricted access to
the bridge/router or tunnel switch. To ensure that access is available only to the
proper system administrator, 3Com recommends that you delete the “ANYCOM”
community name, and add the appropriate community string and the IP address
of the manager.
To modify SNMP parameters, follow these steps:
1 Delete the default community string “ANYCOM” by entering:
2 Configure at least one new community string with read/write access.
For example:
ADD -SNMP COMmunity “private” TRiv RW AL1
3 Add other community strings with read-only access as required.