
Release Notes for IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0 7
Documentation Updates
Documentation Updates
The manuals for the IP/TV 3.0 release have been reorganized as follows:
The IP/TV Administration and Configuration Guide includes installation,
administration, and configuration information for IP/TV Content Manager and IP/TV
Server. It also includes information about completing a network installation of the
IP/TV Viewer.
The IP/TV Content Manager User Guide includes information about how to create
scheduled programs, on-demand programs, and recordings. Also includes examples
showing how to create these IP/TV elements within the context of a sample network
The IP/TV Viewer User Guide includes information about how to install and use IP/TV
The following information lists corrections to the IP/TV Viewer User Guide Version 3.0:
Page 4-4: The following paragraphs should read: “You can display scheduled programs
by the current day, week, month menu item or clicking column headers.
Page 5-6, Table 5-1: The Source Port, Encoding, and Default FPS fields are currently
not implemented.
Page 5-19: Omit the following paragraph: “If you have subscribed to more than four
programs that simultaneously, you will only receive four programs at one time. When
one program ends and you close that viewer window, another program will begin
Page 5-24: The Slidecast window does not contain a Pause and Restore button. The
Copy Image button is not currently implemented.
Page 5-30, Table 5-6: Omit the Administrator field.
Page 5-33: Omit the second paragraph. The beginning of the third paragraph should
read: “Click Settings>Advanced Options.”
Page 6-4:The first paragraph should read: “To accessthe docking command, place your
cursor in the Content Manager pane gripper bar and click the right mouse button.”
Page 6-7: Step 1 should read: “...click Settings>Customize Toolbars.”