
Integrated Fast Setup
3 The LMA automatically prompts you to enter ATM addresses for the
ports that you have specified as IISP. These are ATM addresses of
network devices that you want the IISP port to recognize for routing
purposes. They are placed in the routing table of the port. You need to
enter these addresses manually because the IISP protocol does not
automatically recognize them. You can enter more than one address;
press Enter to end the sequence of addresses.
4 The LMA automatically prompts you for the NNI type of the ports that
you have specified as IISP. Specify the NNI type as User or Network.
5 Repeat until you have specified all the IISP ports.
*** The following are addresses of ports you have defined as IISP.
You may enter more than one address per port.
When you have finished press <Enter>:
ATM address for port <5.2> (19 bytes-When less: end with '.*'):
ATM address was set for port <5.2>
ATM address for port <5.2> (19 bytes-When less: end with '.*'):
ATM address was set for port <5.2>
ATM address for port <5.2> (19 bytes-When less: end with '.*'):
*** The following is a profile of ports you have defined as Gateway:
Profile of port <5.2> (U<ser>, N<etwork>): N