Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
Lubricant Information
SMCS Code: 1000; 1300; 7581
General Information
Because of government regulations regarding
the certification of engine exhaust emissions, the
lubricant recommendations must be followed.
Engine Manufacturers Association
(EMA) Oils
The “Engine Manufacturers Association
Recommended Guideline on Diesel Engine Oil” is
recognized by Caterpillar. For detailed information
about this guideline, see the latest edition of EMA
publication, “EMA LRG-1”.
API Oils
The Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System
by the American Petroleum Institute (API) is
recognized by Caterpillar. For detailed information
about this system, see the latest edition of the “API
publication No. 1509”. Engine oils that bear the API
symbol are authorized by API.
Illustration 1
Typical API symbol
Diesel engine oils CC, CD, CD-2, and CE have
not been API authorized classifications since 1
January 1996. Table 1 summarizes the status of the
Ta bl e 1
API Classifications
Current Obsolete
CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 CE
CD-2 and API CF-2 are classifications for two-cycle diesel
engines. Caterpillar does not sell engines that utilize CD-2 and
API CF-2 oils.
Note: API CF is not the same classification as
API CF-4. API CF oils are only recommended
for Caterpillar 3600 Series Diesel Engines and
Caterpillar engines with precombustion chamber
(PC) fuel systems.
The classifications of grease are based on the
“ASTM D217” worked penetration characteristics.
These characteristics for grease are given a defined
consistency number.
Certain abbreviations follow the nomenclature of
“SAE J754”. Some classifications follow “SAE J183”
abbreviations, and some classifications follow the
“EMA Recommended Guideline on Diesel Engine
Oil”. In addition to Caterpillar definitions, there
are other definitions that will be of assistance in
purchasing lubricants. Recommended oil viscosities
can be found in this publication, “Engine Oil” topic
(Maintenance Section).
Engine Oil
SMCS Code: 1348
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil
Caterpillar Oils have been developed and tested in
order to provide the full performance and service
life that has been designed and built into Caterpillar
Engines. Caterpillar Oils are currently used to fill
diesel engines at the factory. These oils are offered
by Caterpillar dealers for continued use when the
engine oil is changed. Consult your Caterpillar
dealer for more information on these oils.
Due to significant variations in the quality and in
the performance of commercially available oils,
Caterpillar makes the following recommendations:
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil (10W30)