This chapter contains the information you need to create a stack. It covers
the following topics:
■ How To Interconnect Units
■ Guidelines For Interconnecting Units
■ Unit Numbering within the Stack
How To
Interconnect Units
Up to eight 3Com Switch 4500 units can be interconnected to create a
stack and then treated as a single manageable unit with one IP address.
You can interconnect your Switches to create a stack using a standard
1000 Mbps Ethernet connection.
You can only create a stack by interconnecting a 3Com Switch 4500 with
other 3Com Switch 4500s.
This section assumes you have either set up your units for management
as detailed in Chapter 3 “Setting Up for Management”or that you are
using a console cable connected to the console port to set up and
allocate IP addresses and so on.
3Com recommends that you do not physically connect the cables on your
stack ports until you have carried out the initial configuration of the stack
ports as detailed below.
1 Ensure that the Switch units that you wish to interconnect have the latest
software agent installed. You can use the display version
command to check this.
2 Enable the ‘up port’ and the ‘down port’ on each Switch to operate in
stack mode using the following CLI command. From the System View
enter stack-port gigabitethernet 1/0/51 enable, for