Customizing Your Phone
32 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Input Language
The 6865i supports text and character inputs in various languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian, and Nordic). Inputting textual or character information into the IP phone UI can be done using the keypad on
the phone. You can configure the Input Language feature using the Aastra Web UI or the IP phone UI.
The following tables identify the language characters that you can use to enter text and characters on the 6865i.
Keypad Input Alphabet Tables
English (default)
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
1 1;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2ABC2 abc2
3 DEF3 def3
4GHI4 ghi4
5 JKL5 jkl5
6MNO6 mno6
7 PQRS7 pqrs7
8TUV8 tuv8
9 WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
# #/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
1 1.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÀÂÇÁÅÆ abc2àâçáåæ
3 DEF3ÉÈÊË def3éèêë
4 GHI4ÎÏ ghi4îï
5 JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÑÓÒÔÖ mno6ñóòôö
7 PQRS7 pqrs7
8 TUV8 tuv8úùûü
9 WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
# #/\@ #/\@