Aastra 800 Monitor “Program” Dialog
Restart: The “enabled” display indicates that in case of a system fault the
Aastra 800 main application as well as the RTP service program are automati-
cally restarted (“watchdog function”). The “disabled” display indicates that in
case of a system fault you need to restart the Aastra 800 communications
system manually.
3. Click the Change button, to configure the start settings (see “Options” Dialog
starting on page 44).
4.7 “Program” Dialog
The Program dialog allows you to change the program settings of the Aastra 800
1. In the Setup tab under the Program group box, click Change.
The Program dialog opens.
2. Select the desired entry from the Language dropdown list.
3. Confirm with OK.
All program settings of the Aastra 800 Monitor as well as the current display
position are stored in an XML configuration file named “Aastra800_monitor.xml”.
Note: You need to restart the Aastra 800 Monitor to activate
the changed user interface language.