Traveling with the Notebook 7-3
7.2 International Traveler’s Warranty
Your notebook is backed by an international traveler’s warranty (ITW) that
gives you security and peace of mind when traveling. Our worldwide
network of service centers are there to give you a helping hand. Simply fill
up and return the ITW application form to avail of this unique service.
Below is a list of Acer-authorized ITW service sites.
Have your ITW card number ready when you call. For updated
sites and more information on ITW, see the ITW brochure.
Acer America Corporation (AAC)
399 West Trimble,
San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Tel: 1-408-922-2995 / 1-800-445-6495
Fax: 1-408-922-0773 / 1-408-922-2958
Acer America Corp.
(Canadian Branch)
5775, McLaughin Road,
Mississauga., Ontario, L5R 3P7 Canada
Tel: 1-905-712-7912 / 1-800-320-2237
Fax: 1-905-712-7902
Acer Latin America Inc. (ACLA)
1701 N.W. 87th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33126, USA
Tel: 1-305-477-8119
Fax: 1-305-477-5963
Acer Argentina
Marcos Sastre 3620, Carapachay,
Buenos Aires, 1605, Argentina
Tel: 54-1-763-1111
Fax: 54-1-763-0222
Acer Colombia
Carretera 129 no. 29-57
Bodega 42, Parque Industrial de Occidente
Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia
Tel: 57-1-418-1498
Fax: 57-1-418-1510
Acer Chile
Antonio Varas 754,
Casilla 972, Santiago De Chile, Chile
Tel: 56-2-200-9000
Fax: 56-2-235-8481
Acer de Venezuela
Avenida Principal de la Castellana
Torre Banco de Lara, piso 3. of 3-B,
La Castellana Caracas, Venezuela
Tel: 58-2-263-0406
Fax: 58-2-261-3058
Computec Servicio, S.A. de C.V.
Poniente 140 no. 717, Col. Industrial Vallejo
Mexico, D.F. C.P. 02300
Tel.: 52-5-729-5570 / 729-5590
Fax: 52-5-729-5596
Acer Computer B.V. (ACH)
Europalaan 89, 5232 BC’s-Hertogenbosch,
The Netherlands
Tel: 31-73-645-9595
Fax: 31-73-645-9599
Acer Computer HandelsgmbH (ACE)
Hutteldorfer Strasse 299
1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 43-1-914-18810
Fax: 43-1-914-188110