Section 5: Care & Maintenance
Care After the Dive
CAUTION: If the Monitor 3 Air transmitter is not
attached to a first-stage regulator while soaking
(explained below), make sure that water is not
allowed to enter the high pressure inlet. Water
entering the transmitter may cause damage to the
internal components.
After each day of diving, soak the Monitor 3 Air in a warm,
fresh water bath to dissolve salt crystals. To dissolve heavy
salt buildup, use a slightly acidic vinegar/water bath. After
removing the computer from the bath, rinse thoroughly
with fresh water. Towel dry the computer before final
storage. Place the Monitor 3 Air in a cool, dry and protective
case to transport.
The transmitter should be rinsed at the same time the
regulator is rinsed. Make sure the transmitter is attached
to the first-stage. Connect the first-stage to a charged
SCUBA cylinder. Turn on the cylinder valve and submerge
the whole regulator/tank system in a bath of water. By
applying pressure to the regulator, you absolutely prevent
any water from entering the regulator and transmitter.
Annual Dealer Inspections & Factory
Factory service was discontinued in 1997. Please contact
the original manufacturer, Uwatec, at 800-467-2822.