The FS-i series provides for easy check weighing of products. There are two
comparison modes according to number of parameters to set, “Target weight setting
mode” and ”Upper & lower limits weight setting mode”. The comparator results are
indicated by HI (yellow), OK (green) or LO (red) lights on the display. The results are
also audible by the buzzer inside the scale.
The analog sweep display will help to see where the weight is in the OK range or how
far from the OK range. See “19. ANALOG SWEEP DISPLAY” in detail.
If the optional OP-03 or OP-04 is installed, comparator relay output is also available.
It is necessary to set the "comparator function (F8-0 ~ F8-6)" parameters, upper
limit (HI), lower limit (LO) and target weight (Target weight setting mode only) in
advance to use comparator function.
Select the operating conditions to compare (see the Function F8).
F8-0: Comparator OFF.
F8-1: Compare when weight is stable or moving.
F8-2: Compare when weight is stable. (STABLE annunciator lit.)
F8-3: Compare when weight is stable or moving and more than +4d or less than -4d.
F8-4: Compare when weight is stable and more than +4d or less than -4d.
F8-5: Compare when weight is stable or moving and more than +4d above zero.
F8-6: Compare when weight is stable and more than +4d above zero.
d = minimum weight display in “kg”. (see “12-1 Specifications”)
If necessary, use the buzzer sound for comparator results. The Function set the
buzzer to sound with which result (see the Function F9).
The brightness of comparator lights is adjustable. See the Function F15 to adjust.
8-1. Target weight setting mode
The TARGET WEIGHT SETTING MODE uses a target weight and +/- deviation from
the target. The target weight is entered via the 10-key pad or a sample product to be
weighed. The upper (HI) and lower (LO) limits are entered via the 10-key pad. Those
will be deviation weight or % of the target weight.
Set the Function setting “F7-1 Target weight setting mode with HI/LO limit weight” or
“F7-2 Target weight setting mode with HI/LO limit % of the target weight”.
The formula to compare is as follows:
LO < Lower limit value OK Upper limit value < HI
Lower limit value = Target weight – LO limit
Upper limit value = Target weight + HI limit