Baud Rate (f-06-04)
Select the baud rate according to the device to be connected.
2400 bps (f-06-04="0") Select 2400 bps to connect with an AD-8121.
4800 bps (f-06-04="1")
9600 bps (f-06-04="2")
13-4. Connecting the AD-8121 Printer / MODE 1 or MODE 2
When using the AD-8121 printer (MODE 1 or MODE 2), you will be able to get data:
Number of data items, total, maximum, minimum, mean value, range of data (max. -
min. data) and standard deviation.
When using the AD-8121 with MODE 2, set f-06-02 to print pcs (count) data only
or weight data only.
To print date and time, use the AD-8121’s calendar / clock function and set f-06-02
to print pcs (count) data only or weight data only.
Print Operations Settings
Print By: F-Function f-06-01 Printer MODE
Auto Print 2 or 3 MODE 1
Printer DATA key
Example of f-06-02 settings
To print pcs (count) data only: set f-06-02 at "0100"
To print weight data only: set f-06-02 at "0010"
To print pcs (count) and weight data: set f-06-02 at "0110"
To print pcs, weight and unit weight data: set f-06-02 at "0111"
To print total data (accumulated by the M+ key), press the TOTAL key so the
count display shows the total, then press the PRINT key.
If you are using the AD-8121’s statistic functions, then set f-06-02 at "01#0" (# = 0
or 1) for pcs (count) data or "0010" for weight data.
MODE 1 and 2 of the AD-8121 can not print ID numbers.