MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 6
3.2. During Use
During UseDuring Use
During Use
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Caution for Measure
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ment Safety
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Operate the analyzer using the following procedure.
Put the sample pan in the correct position.
Handle the grip of the heater cover to open and
close it.
Use the pan handle to move the sample pan.
Do not touch hot parts around the grass-housing,
when the cover is opened.
The glass-housing is very hot. It may cause a burn,
if touched.
The sample pan and pan handle is very hot, when
finishing measurement. Allow them cool down.
Use the tweezers or spoon to move the sample.
Grips and Hot Parts.
Hot parts are as follows:
Use the following grips to operate the analyzer.
Do Not Measure a Dangerous Sample.
Do not use an explosive, flammable or noxious substance as a sample.
Do not use a sample that makes a dangerous substance by drying it.
Do not use unknown substances.
When a sample surface becomes dry first and the inner pressure increases, the
sample may explode. Do not use such a sample.
Turn off the power switch if a sample catches fire.
The case of the analyzer is made of a flame-retardant substance (UL94V0).
Do Not Put any Flammable Matter Around the Analyzer.
During and after measurement, parts of the analyzer become very hot. Do not put
flammable matter near the analyzer.
Do not put any thing on the heater cover.
Grip of pan handle
Grips of
heater cove
Grip of heater
Grip of pan
Breeze break ring
Sample pan
Pan support
Pan handle
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