
61200051L1-1D ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 99
Appendix C
Status Buffer Messages
Messages shown entirely in capital letters are generated by the
ISDN network. Messages with lower case letters are generated by
the ISU 2x64.
Answer 1/2
The ISU answered a call on either the first or second B channel.
The calling phone number is displayed if available.
The network was unable to deliver access information to the far-
Back to online
ISU 2x64 went back on line.
Bad async BPS
The BONDING protocol determined that the selected asynchro-
nous bit rate is not supported.
Bad AT bit field
User issued an AT command with an argument that was out of
Bad B channel
Bonding negotiation determined the delay in one of the Bearer
channels was uncorrectable.
Bad call type
ISU 2x64 placed a call with an improper call type.