PRS Pressure (1-15): Similar to the MT
Pressure feature, the PRS settings will deter-
mine the recommendations after the completion
of a test for the Pressure Relief System. PRS
pressure shows the color range value above
which a recommendation will be given.
PRS # of Sensors (1-10): Similar to the MT
number of sensors, the PRS # of sensors will
make a recommendation if the number of
sensors above the PRS pressure number is
equal to or greater than the number of sensors
set here.
Postural Orientation: ‘Straight’ will display
the feet pointing towards the top of the
screen if the customer stands facing the front
of the iStep device. ‘Side’ will appear
towards the top of the screen if the customer
faces the right side of the iStep.
Dynamic Orientation: Since most Dynamic
tests are done side to side across the iStep
device, the default setting is ‘Side.’ This will
display the results of the iStep Dynamic test
with the toes at the top of the screen.
Calibrate iStep: Enter your weight in
pounds and run the calibration test. This will
generate a value that the iStep program will
use to adjust the readings of every subse
quent test. These numbers are reflected in
the ‘kilograms per sensor’ output at the end
of each test.
FIT Settings
The F.I.T. settings page (Figure 4G) will
allow you to configure your FIT by running
tests against a known foot size and making
adjustments to the length and width until
readings are accurate. Diagnostic informa-
tion can also be obtained here.
Section 1: The ‘Test’ button in section one
will allow you to run a test of the F.I.T. device
without running an iStep test. Stand on the
F.I.T. as usual, click ‘Test,’ and the results
will be reported in the first seven fields.
M: foot size: Reports the size of the measured
foot for a man.
M: width: Reports the width of the widest
measured foot for a man.
W: foot size: Reports the size of the measured
foot for a woman.
W: width: Reports the width of the widest
measured foot for a woman.
LM: Displays the actual foot length measure-
ment in centimeters.
LW: Displays the actual left foot width meas-
urement in centimeters.
Fig. 4G
Fig. 4H