B - Compatibility Language
Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands (continued)
Description Similar SCPI
These commands determine the conditions that will set bits in the
fault register, allowing the operator to define the conditions that will
be reported as fault Fault conditions can be enabled by sending
the decimal equivalent of the total bit weight of all conditions to be
VOUT? This command measures and returns the actual output voltage.
Data Representation: SZZD.DD; (SZD.DDD for 6634B only)
VSET <n> This command programs the output voltage. See Table 4-3 for the
programming range of this command.
Initial condition: 0 V
A = Alpha
D = Digit
S = Sign (blank for positive and – for negative)
Z = Digit with leading zeros output as spaces
Table B-3. COMPatibility Errors
Error NumberError String [Description/Explanation/Examples]
ERR 0 No error
ERR 1 EEPROM save failed [Data write to non-volatile memory failed]
ERR 2 Second PON after power-on [More than one PON command received after power-on. Only one
is allowed.]
ERR 4 RLYPON sent with no relay option present [A RLYPON command was sent with no relay option
ERR 5 No relay option present [A relay option command was sent with no relay option present.]
ERR 8 Addressed to talk and nothing to say [The unit was addressed to talk without first receiving a
ERR 10 Header expected [A non-alpha character was received when a header was expected.]
ERR 11 Unrecognized header [The string of alpha characters received was not a valid command.]
ERR 20 Number expected [A non-numeric character was received when a number was expected.]
ERR 21 Number Syntax [The numeric character received did not represent a proper number.]
ERR 22 Number out of internal range [The number received was too large or small to be represented in
internal format.]
ERR 30 Comma [A comma was not received where one was expected.]
ERR 31 Terminator expected [A valid terminator was not received where one was expected.]
ERR 41 Parameter Out [The number received exceeded the limits for its associated command.]
ERR 42 Voltage Programming Error [The programmed value exceeded the valid voltage limits.]
ERR 43 Current Programming Error [The programmed value exceeded the valid current limits.]
ERR 44 Overvoltage Programming Error [The programmed value exceeded the valid overvoltage limits.]
ERR 45 Delay Programming Error [The programmed value exceeded the valid delay limits.]
ERR 46 Mask Programming Error [The programmed value exceeded the fault mask limits.]
ERR 51 EEPROM Checksum [EEPROM failed, or a new uncalibrated EEPROM was installed.]