B - Compatibility Language
Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands
Description Similar SCPI
ASTS? This command reads the contents of the accumulated status
register, which stores any bit condition entered in the status
register since the accumulated status register was last read,
regardless of whether the condition still exists.
Data Representation: ZZZZD
CLR This command initializes the dc source to the power-on state. It
also resets the PON bit in the serial poll register. The command
performs the same function as the Device Clear (DCL) interface
DC 0 | 1 Only applies to units with Relay Option 760. This command
enables or disables the output without affecting the state of the
output relays.
Initial condition: DC 1
0 | 1 | OFF | ON
DLY <n> This command programs the delay time between the programming
of an output change that produces a CV, CC, or an UNREG
condition, and the recording of that condition by the status
registers. This can be used to prevent false triggering of the
OverCurrent Protection feature (OCP).
Initial delay: 0.08s (Normal); 0.008s (Fast).
DSP 0 | 1 This command enables or disables the dc source’s front panel
Initial condition: DSP 1
ERR? This command determines the type of programming error detected
by the dc source. A remote programming error sets the ERR bit in
the status register, which can be enabled by UNMASK to request
FAULT? This command reads which bits have been set in the fault register.
A bit is set in the fault register when the corresponding bit in the
status register changes from inactive to active AND the
corresponding bit in the mask register has been enabled. The fault
register is reset only after it has been read. The decimal equivalent
of the total bit weight of all enabled bits is returned.
Data Representation: ZZZZD
ID? This command causes the dc source to report its model number
and any options that affect the dc source’s output.
Data Representation: Agilent663XA
IOUT? This command measures and returns the actual output current.
Data Representation: SD.DDDD
ISET <n> This command programs the output current. See Table 4-3 for the
programming range of this command.
Initial condition: see Table B-1
OCP 0 | 1 This command enables or disables the dc source’s overcurrent
protection. If this function is enabled and the dc source goes into
CC mode, the output of the dc source is disabled. Initial condition:
0 | 1 | OFF | ON
OUT 0 | 1 This command enables or disables the dc source’s output. The dc
source will be able to implement commands even while the output
is disabled. Initial condition: OUT 1
0 | 1 | OFF | ON