
138 Index
energy hazard, 54, 76, 90, 95, 108, 132
error messages
calibration, 99
checksum, 58
power-on, 57
run-time, 58
selftest, 57
system. See Programming Guide
external voltage control, 14
664xA and 665xA, 67
667xA, 75
668xA and 669xA, 82
capacitive coupling, 67
fan, 44, 52, 55
features, 14
fire hazard, 59
FLT output, 123
font panel keys
Cal Disable, 96
Cal Enable, 96
Pass, 96
front panel
controls and indicators, 14
front panel keys
Current, 87
Voltage, 53, 87
Address, 87, 93
Back, 52, 88
Cal Save, 96
Clear Entry, 88
Current, 54, 87
Current, 54
Enter, 52, 88
Error, 87
Local, 87
OCP, 54, 87, 91
Output On.Off, 87
Output On/Off, 52
OV, 53, 87
Prot Clear, 55, 87, 90
Protect, 53, 55, 87, 90
Recall, 55, 87
Save, 55, 87
Shift, 52, 87
Voltage, 53, 87
664xA and 665xA, 45, 56
667xA, 45, 56
668xA, 47, 57
669xA, 48, 57
kit, 13
power, 41
fuse indicator window, 669xA, 57
general information, 11
address, 55, 93
address, primary, 83, 93
address, secondary, 83, 93
GPIB system supplies, 13
earth, 12, 46, 47, 49
signal, 123
Guide, Operating, 11
Guide, Programming, 11
Guide, Service, 13
hardware, 41
history, 4
inductive load
664xA and 665xA, 62
667xA, 69
668xA, 129
668xA and 669xA, 77
INH input, 123
initial conditions, 88
connections, 45
power, 12
input rail LED, 56
667xA, 120
668xA and 669xA, 121
inspection, 43
isolation. See output isolation
calibration, 98
line select for 664xA and 665xA, 120
line select for 668xA and 669xA, 122
local sense, 667xA, 70
local sense, 668xA and 669xA, 77
line fuse, 55
line voltage conversion
664xA and 665xA, 119
667xA, 120
668xA and 669xA, 121
linked connections, 83
linked supply, 83, 93
load L/R ratio
668xA, 129
local sensing. See local voltage sensing
local voltage sensing, 62, 70, 77