
Module I/O Specifications
A18 Spectrum Analyzer
A18 Spectrum Analyzer
Use extender card 08922-60129.
Use coax jumpers on Plug 1, pins 3 and 17. Plug 2, pin 17.
Power Supplies
+12 V J2(2) 165 mA
-12 V J2(3) 300 mA
+5 V J2(4) 225 mA
Ground J1(1,2,4-20) J3(1-16,18-20)
From A16 Receiver (Needs Reference Input to obtain a reading)
SA_114.3M P3(17)
Frequency: 114.3 MHz ± 5 MHz
Max Ref Level -12 dBm (Corresponds to -23 dBm input at 8922 Aux RF In with
20 dB RF attenuation and 20 dB Step Gain.) -20 dBm on
Spectrum Analyzer with Reference signal connected, and
expected input level set to same as reference signal on RF
analyzer page
Max second harmonic: < -48 dBc
.1 dB Compression: > -12 dBm
From A15 Reference
SA_20MREF J1(3)
Waveshape: Sine
Level: > +3 dBm on spectrum analyzer = +10 dBm Typical
Nominal input impedance: 50
Amplitude 1 V
2.8 Vp-p