
The HSSI WanProbe has 32 MB of memory (optionally 64 or 128 MB), and uses
FLASH EPROM. Probe firmware upgrades are easily downloaded over the LAN
to multiple probes simultaneously. You can also download firmware using the
probe’s serial port.
The WanProbe maintains a variety of statistical measurements on network
performance, continuously keeping track of traffic levels, errors, and other
important trends. Alarm thresholds can be set to a number of parameters to
immediately alert the network manager or initiate a packet trace to capture the
details of an event for later analysis. Traffic and error levels are monitored for the
WAN connection on a per-PCV basis.
In addition to using SNMP and selected RMON MIB groups, the WanProbe uses
Agilent private MIB extensions to provide additional capabilities. Multiple
SNMP trap addresses, or groups of addresses, can be defined for event
notification. A real-time utilization variable provides the alarm capability at
instantaneous peaks of network load. An additional Out-of-Band connection to
the probe can be established using Serial Link Internet Protocol (SLIP), either
directly, using a modem, or by using a data switch.
Figure 1-1: The Probe