
U2802A 31-Channel Thermocouple Input User’s Guide IX
In This Guide...
1 Getting Started
This chapter introduces the new Agilent U2802A 31- channel
thermocouple input device and provides quick start information. It
also provides product outlook, installation configuration and
troubleshooting guide.
2 Features and Functions
This chapter contains details of the product features, applications,
system overview and theory of operation. From this chapter, you
will understand the Agilent U2802A 31- channel thermocouple
input system overview and functionality of this device.
3 Pin Configurations and Assignments
This chapter described the Agilent U2802A 31- channel
thermocouple input device pin configurations and connector pinout
for user’s reference.
4 Product Specifications
This chapter specifies the environmental conditions,
characteristics, and specifications of the Agilent U2802A
31- channel thermocouple input device. It also covers the system
accuracy, typical performance and guidelines to make accurate
temperature measurements.
5 Calibration
This chapter contains the calibration information and factory
restore calibration procedure for the Agilent U2802A 31-channel
thermocouple input device.
U2802A_UG.book Page IX Tuesday, January 8, 2008 10:24 AM