PRODUCT, you can seek a refund from the place of purchase. If you
cannot get a refund from the place of purchase, you may not seek a
refund for the HARDWARE PRODUCT from AIPTEK, and you agree to
not attempt to seek a refund for the HARDWARE PRODUCT from
Technical Support - AIPTEK may provide you with Technical Support
("Tech Support") related to the HARDWARE PRODUCT. Use of Tech
Support, which includes the Warranty Service, is governed by the
AIPTEK policies and programs described in the user manual, in "online"
documentation, and/or in other AIPTEK-provided materials, including this
EULA. Any supplemental software code or pieces of hardware provided
to you as part of Tech Support shall be considered part of the
HARDWARE PRODUCT and subject to the terms and conditions of this
EULA. With respect to information you provide to AIPTEK as part of the
Tech Support, AIPTEK may use such information for its business
purposes, including but not limited to product support and development.
AIPTEK will not utilize such information in a form that personally identifies
Registration - You agree to register the HARDWARE PRODUCT with
AIPTEK within 60 days of purchase of the HARDWARE PRODUCT. As
part of this agreement, you agree to provide AIPTEK with all requested
information. All information provided must be accurate and true.
Termination - Without prejudice to any other rights, AIPTEK may
terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of
this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Changes to
the EULA - AIPTEK reserves the right to amend, change, and update this
EULA at any time, and without notice. The user agrees to abide by such
amendments, changes, and updates, should any be made.
For information on the Limited Warranty, please see the "Statement of
Limited Warranty".For the most updated version of the End-User License
Agreement or list of Authorized Resellers, please visit our webpage at
3. COPYRIGHT - All title and copyrights in and to the HARDWARE